Dear Mom,

Happy Valentine’s Day.  

By now the kids are in school and you’ve sent in the class party treats and sealed Valentine’s.  But, you’re probably either at home staring at a long chore list or in the office thinking that you’re never going to get ahead on your task list.  Oh, and the groceries need to be picked up before the weekend.

You probably reminisced about the onesie that said “My First Valentine” as your child searched for a pink or red shirt to wear today.

You’re probably wondering if everyone will be kind and share a valentine in class.

You’re probably wondering if your children know how much you love them – even though you stayed up late fixing their mailbox or bag as little stickers fell off of it.

You’re probably reminiscing about when you were your child’s only Valentine and the days of handprint crafts.

You’re probably wondering if your teen’s gift for their crush is being well received.

You’re probably wondering if your children know how much you love them, even though you didn’t hesitate to give them a last-minute $20 bill for an extra treat for a friend.

You’re probably sitting there reading this and wondering if you’re balancing motherhood with your own goals and passions well enough.

Maybe you feel guilty for pursuing a career, even though you’re an amazing employee or entrepreneur (Harvard Business Review), or maybe you’re feeling guilty for not bringing in an extra paycheck (because strawberries cost so much).

You’re probably sitting there wondering why we’re making you feel all those feelings right now.

There’s a reason.

We want you, no, need you, to know that for the simple fact that you think and do without hesitation, you are an amazing mom.

There are some pretty bad moms out there, but not you.

  • No one scans the aisles for the last box of Bluey Valentines as quickly as you do.
  • No one spends the same careful scrolling on Pinterest as you do.
  • No one loves your children as well as you do.
  • No one creates a safe space for them like you do.
  • No one can love exactly the way you do.

So as you sit surrounded by empty candy wrappers and leftover class valentines, let us remind you that you are doing such a great job.

If no one’s told you today, let us be the first to say it…

You are so very loved. 

Love Yourself Like You Love Them

If you’re feeling unseen today, or just plain exhausted, here’s your reminder: You are loved. You are valued. You matter.

And you deserve to:
❤️ Take a break without guilt.
❤️ Say no when you need to.
❤️ Celebrate yourself just because.
❤️ Receive love instead of always being the one who gives it.

And if you need a little help remembering how to take care of yourself, here are 50 simple ways to practice self-care that don’t require a perfectly planned spa day.

Happy Valentine’s Day, Mama.

For More Valentine’s Day Content:

Creative Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day with Your Kids

Spread the Love: How to Create a Valentine’s Day “Love Basket” (+ Free Printable!)

This post was originally posted by City Mom Collective’s Instagram and has been updated.

Previous articleHow to Say No Without Guilt
City Mom Collective
City Mom Collective is a media company & membership community for influencers building their careers and families with a mission to empower, connect, and inspire moms through our media agency and membership community, providing the resources, networking, and support they need to succeed in entrepreneurship while nurturing their roles as mothers.